Sex Specific Stats

Scientifically derived, precisely worded - not your lies & damned lies & muddled Maths kinda "statistic"

#SexSpecificStats - crunching the data so you don't have to!





& Wales




UK Prison Population Statistics

House of Commons Library (8 July 2024) Georgina Sturge*

UK Prison population statistics


thanks to Megumi #LetWomenSpeak 26 May 2024

Within 12 hours #SexSpecificStats on Govt of Japan population data at 1 Oct 2024

#Maths #STEM - international language

Japanese - a pictorial language

"If I am not for myself, who will be for me?" Rabbi Hillel 6C











Gender Recognition Certs: Annual tally 2005-24 2/3 TG males | 1/3 TG females - less any who have died since.

21 May 2024: NEW countries added to mark & in honour of the birthday of... Elizabeth Fry (1780-1845)

 Clare B Dimyon one time aerospace engineer on the A380 Superjumbo - serious sums, serious Health & Safety!

 Sex Specifics Stats © 2024 Clare B Dimyon



21 May 2024: Happy Birthday Elizabeth FRY

27 Feb 1818

1st woman to give evidence to Select Committee of the House of Commons (Justice)

1 Sept 1823 - 1823 Gaols Act goes into effect

1835 Prison Inspections Act needed to enforce it.

1837 First female prison - in the then British Empire (world?) opens at Grangegorman in Dublin after the efforts of the Hibernian Society of Penal Reform - visited by Elizabeth Fry in 1827.

Just click relevantly to get one of 10 jurisdictions.

LATEST - 1 Feb 2024

2023 Références statistiques justice 

Published: Published on 10 Dec 2023 - Updated 29 Dec 2023 

CBD: Can't see a 2022 edition.

Stats for 2021 and 2022 so far!

LATEST - 30 Jan 2024

Published: Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 17 Jan 2023 (2023 data 2 ) Advance Australia fair! Clear sex specific population data by sex, freshly crunched, essential for the protection of women and girls (not excluding transmen). #SexSpecific analysis which Australian Bureau of Statistics, like other government stats functions should be putting as headline figures in their reports but aren't.

Full 43 years of sex specific population data for AUSTRALIA!

LATEST - 29 Jan 2024

Published: Canada Stats 17 Jan 2023 (2023 data 2 weeks late!) Oh Canada... in the words of their national anthem... spreadsheets of over 250,000 rows long eh? Every province, every possible age group... but 8 hours later with a bit of persistence and we have very clear sex specific population data by sex, essential for #sexspecificstats which Canada Stats like other government stats functions should be putting as headline figures in their reports but aren't.

Full 52 years of sex specific population data for CANADA!

1971-2022 Population by sex: female or male (N Ireland)